10. I have corsair vengeance 16gb 3000hz and for some reason loading time on certain games and maps like tarkov take way too long. You can also do scav/pmc co-op extracts and those give scav rep even. I’ve been killed near spawn on pmc 2 or 3 times. For a scav raid to happen, you have to have a raid with at least one living PMC in it, and the number of slots open to players is often too low to matchmake quickly, so then you get put in a queue waiting for those conditions to happen again. 13. For the bosses, see Bosses. Am I the only one not being able to get matched? I have only close UK/EU servers selected but after the 12 minute matching point, I give up. Streets of Tarkov Map V2 - Including detailed roads, street and building names, sniper zones, extractions and more. It's not an "issue", it's just the nature of how scav runs work. Waited on average 10 minutes last night to play PMC. Example: USA only or EU only. It takes forever cause you an everyone else are scaving. It sucks but it wont stay like this for long. Can't find any game / matching forever. Lighthouse is pretty much the only map. sometimes the queue gets bugged and doesnt find you a que so you gotta leave que and reque. "Matching" takes forever I was just stuck in a 16-minute matching process on Customs, left and got stuck on "leaving the game". Best. 13. 773. At the onset of active hostilities in the city, in addition to the predictable humanitarian consequences, a special trend is observed that represents a threat for both civilians and armed forces of. There aren't that many people playing Reserve early on, and there are tons of people wanting to scav it. Always start off with a scav run, do a normal run and get out with the loot you have. TreytorMcDeath • 2 yr. You can find the details about your health status in the “Health” tab while in your stash or in raid. In game settings. It basically works like a real-life compass, indicating where the South and the North are from your position. ·. 2. Try at night. Matching forever. Try interchange it’s probably the 2nd most popular map to scav in on but the queue times are much much shorter and you can get PAID if you know where to look. On 12/30/2022 at 1:09 PM, p4nnus said: For a raid to exist, there needs to be PMCs going for one. That might help you a tiny tiny bit if you have all of them selected. ago. json for Scav Karma level 1-1. I assume with the patch and everyone trying to play the game, the servers are having hard times putting matches together. I was playing with my friends, everything worked fine. Okay, add a few servers in the launcher that have acceptable ping. ago. As a scav spawning in at the start of the match it makes it way harder with pmcs killing you instantly 9/10 times if you try to go for any of the good loot areas. my ISP?) or are there other UK/EU players seeing similar delays?Ich habe um die 1500 Stunden Erfahrung in Tarkov. Member. In the Settings menu, make sure you are selected "When I launch the Game: Keep the Launcher window open ". You wait because there is a line to get in. This has helped most players cut down their matching time significantly. When you look for a game you look for a server that has an open slot, and those servers are limited especially as a scav. English Scavs Sign in to edit For the bosses, see Bosses. If half the player base is queueing for scav, there is simply no quick scav game to get into because there aren't enough raids running. (Selecting multiple servers is another solution of course. When you are at matching the game is looking for a server that has a free slot, when you are at waiting for players the game is looking for other people. Teste auch seit 5 Tagen und habe Warschau, London, Milan, Madrid und Helsinki only getestet. It also requires part of the team working 24/7 including weekends. Weather effects seem to exacerbate this problem. Otherwise Daytime scav runs on Reserv, we average 7-8mins load time to find a match. You get . I know or sucks but you will “eventually” find a game. 1. 9-10 minute match times is around normal. Tarkov gets millions of views on social media which drives sales, and as more people get frustrated and leave, and sharing their negative opinion, the game does worse. Am I the only one getting this (i. ago. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Join. Then, load into the same map again. You must just wait, it takes time. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. ago. com. ConsumeFudge • 9 mo. 18. · 1y. scav raids dont match. I can find matches in a group if everyone’s servers are set to auto, but if I’m solo I can’t find matches unless I manually select my servers. 13 update to Escape from Tarkov, old issue of long matching times has returned. foreverxcursed • 6 yr. This wipe I have yet to use my scav on that map. json file. that fps drops are caused by the AI and Players being on the map it's one of the main reasons they dropped a lot of AI scav/rogue spawning on lighthouse last wipe early on there were so many more then they nerfed the spawn rates hard to free up resources. I’ve been having the same issue, managed to get 1 scav first day and after that I had matching for 30+ minutes. Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game . The more runs you survive, the chaddier you can become without spending any of your rubles. Man came up to where I was saw the dead scav on the ground and proceeded to blast 2 full mags of unsilenced m700 before I handled him summoning his scav brothers. I was at 28 minutes matching queue, then exited and restarted the queue. It has been 204 days since the last game reset (28 December 2022), based on the average length historically the next Tarkov wipe is predicted to be (28 June 2023). Not once did I shoot scav/pmc in chest (mind you they were naked) with buckshots and they ran off like nothing happened. Exit and then choose PMC and connect again. bobdole513 • 7 mo. But with 300 hours behind me having. Now with scav mode failing to find matches, players have to play PMC with gear that is not ideal, and this is where the real tarkov gameplay is. Edited January. Find the EscapeFromTarkov. Don't mistake me, this game has a tough learning curve at the start. Duh, pay for Tarkov Prime dude! That extra £10 every month gets you noob opponents and zero waiting time. My cheeky lunch break scav run went to trying to connect to 3 games for 15 minutes each. For the rogues, see Rogues. Go figure. ·. Scavving has higher waiting times to PMC, due to the random loot/weapon scavs can have early wipe is insane. A lot of people is playing right now and the scav queue take a lot of time. ago. eetulund • 3 yr. . Posted December 29, 2022. For the raiders, see Scav Raiders. ago. Matching forever. 115. So. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message. spoolinherd. Average waiting time is 10-15 minutes. This should help, I rarely have to wait more over 5 minutes. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. So, the current state of the game is: sit in a queue for 30 minutes or more, then you can play. ; Now, double-click on the Display adapters category to expand the list. It's taking over 25 minutes to get into a Reserve scav run, over 10 minutes for woods or customs scav runs and around 20 minutes for Woods or Customs PMC runs. They can be combined in any combination,. skyrmion • 3 mo. 1. Just tried, I'm in the US so I selected all the US. Started trying to load into factory fully geared. Another problem I have encountered is that after a raid I get stuck. Pick 3-4 servers with low ping or select auto. 1. Television. ; If there is an update available, it’ll automatically. yeah matching times are atrocious, i think its because all the servers are full. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Scav raids broken? I've been trying to use my scav for the last week and a half but for some reason, it just sits on matching for 20+ mins before i give up It's not like it has to find a fresh game, it's just gotta find a game with a player in it. It sits at the Matching screen. MGS1 forever <3 . 2019. To fix or help in fixing that you need to select several more servers on your list. Right-ward • 4 mo. . 4. You can also try to disable firewalls and run a compatibility troubleshooter to fix the issue. Today, December 28, at 6:30AM GMT/1:30AM EST we are planning to install patch 0. I've done a lot of scav customs this week and a lot of the time I've gotten a lot of goodies from it just by doing my normal farming paths. Posted January 8, 2022. I think what 'matching' means is its trying to find a server for you. Anybody got a solution?Right-click on the Start Menu to open up the Quick Access Menu. Its a huge issue to me, cause I like to use my scav on reserve for gear runs. Really annoying, possibly server side, maybe cause the new update?Tactical clothing is a feature in Escape from Tarkov that allows you to customize the appearance of your PMC character to obtain reduced visiblity or just look more fancy. Lighthouse is really popular right now - If you have auto-server selection enabled - I would recommend you change it to manual, and select any servers under 100 ping for you. You can go to DownDetector to check for the status. Except that "they only run so many instances" is a really silly excuse, and that's what does not make sense. Still hangs on about 2 and a half minutes of Map Loading 100%. Reinstalled windows just to help clear my OS drive a bit more. 207. Either select all servers up to a reasonable ping limit or try the 'autoselect' option. femboy_was_taken. Very anecdotal but hey. Considering that every single streamer I follow is now playing Valheim rather than Tarkov, the amount of complaints due to desync, ect is off the charts. depends on the map, if you are solo, and if you are scav or pmc. 1. Long Matching Times as PMC or Scav - ** Ongoing** . Escape from Tarkov PMC matchmaking glitch is still active and will cause an issue in coming issue until patched by the developers. 1. You also have more flexibility with loadouts, and I'd rather have a 30 slot backpack than run with shit-tier scav loot, now that they made it a bad idea to kill other scavs for their bigger backpacks. I took my containers (rigs) out of the stash and put them into the sorting table while clearing out the scav, and then they vanished. Big bruh moment. ago. If the "waiting line" was true, we would have never found a. Expand. json at the end. As evidenced by many forum posts over the years, in Tarkov there is a bug (or multiple bugs with the same effect) leading to a player regularly not spawning. ago. scav runs are similar, 12-15min to. Posted by 6 months ago. Can anyone else drop into a raid as a scav? I can't, "Matching" takes 25-30mins, and finally it drops me back to the main menu. Posted January 4. Keep in mind, they just released a new update 9 minutes ago and not everyone will have it downloaded yet. ago. So once you start up the launcher, search for the Change Server button (highlighted with no. I had this same issue last night, then realized I only checked American servers. Plank_Pusher • 6 mo. 9 dropped this meant a wipe as im sure you noticed, aswell as a woods expansion, its Christmas EVE, ETC. You end up in a situation where thousands of player scavs are trying to match into a small number of raids and can't find a spot. Only so many instances of a certain map can be ran on each regions servers so maps that are tied to the beginner quests such as Customs are in high demand which means matching times are going to take a bit since a raid must end before a new. Why is this happening and is there anything I could do? Edit: I think I might have found a solution although the video is 2 years old. Increased demand while the server count stays the same. Philadelphia 76ers Premier League UFCDecide to buy Tarkov after years of following, so I'm just a little Timmy wandering around Shoreline until I somewhat learn the map before I can venture into another one, but whenever I foud a Scav I kept wondering what was wrong with me for getting wrecked by some stupid AI, because that wasn't my expectation based on how easily people used fo. 10. Suche Clan, der mit Schichtbetrieb klar kommt. TheSexyAmbush • 3 days ago. By Templer, November 3, 2017 in General game forum. Related Topics .