Publishers Weekly: With this gripping dystopian novel,. I focus primarily on YA Contemporary, but would love to work with low/high Fantasy (not-western/European based) and Sci-fi. Home; News; Agents. Divya. Fire Amy Boggs immediately, you bigoted liberal racists. New Scientist:. She lives in a beautiful home in the Atlanta suburbs. But then the siren from the Starbucks logo starts speaking to Elena, and Elena saves Freddie from a gunshot wound, and before you. Review: Base Notes by Lara Elena Donnelly. An Interview with Donald Maass. Donald Maass, President; Jennifer Jackson, Executive Vice President; Katie Shea Boutillier, Vice President / Rights Director; Cameron McClure; Michael Curry;. When the glyphs work too well,. RT Book Reviews: Having our hero be an apathetic, pessimistic killer android who can’t stand being looked. I am quite eager to submit to her now that she's with a new agency! Profile Update. Tor. Library Journal: Auditors, the most skilled magical beings, are enforcers of the magical community in Boston for The Department of Unorthodox Affairs. He represents more than 100 fiction writers and sells more than 100 novels per year to top publishers in America and overseas. Check the agency site for updates on her status. Library Journal : This is a thrilling combination of traditional SF space travel and forward-thinking examinations of what “humanity” will mean in the future. Review: Come With Me by Ronald Malfi May 06 2021 Publishers Weekly : Malfi impresses in this taut, supernaturally tinged mystery, an intriguing variation on the well-worn serial killer plot…. Live pitch 4/15/23, 50 pages sent via QM same day. QueryTracker is a free service for authors to help them find literary agents. The spiritualist Arcade sisters start it off with a bit of table knocking, but it could be a real “haint”—there’s a story, Karen tells us,. […] The house itself is an incredible character. He is a past president of the Association of Authors’ Representatives, Inc. * * *Locus: One thing about Elizabeth Bear’s Machine, the second novel set in her White Space universe after 2019’s Ancestral Night: it’s sure as hell not either shallow or amoral. Maass Donald Literary Agency has 2 total employees across all of its locations and generates $345,291 in sales (USD). E-Mail: To protect agents from spam, email addresses are hidden except to members. Simply enter your first name and email a ddress in the opt-in form on this page for FREE INSTANT ACCESS. Dec 06 2022 . Library Journal: A charming,. To query Donald Maass, e-mail to query. Weddle’s debut novel is a suspenseful series of interrelated stories of tragedy, despair, and hopelessness in a rural. She has worked for several organizations. His list of clients currently includes Cassandra Khaw, Locus and Aurora Award finalist Premee Mohamed, Locus Award-winner and Lodestar Award finalist Darcie Little Badger, Hugo and World Fantasy Award finalist Nick Mamatas, and. Her life is going well, for once: her relationships with her loved ones and allies are firm; demons are starting to respect her (mostly); and her best friend, Ivy Tamwood,. In 1992, novelist Winslow (The Whole World) was a theater major at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, when she was raped in her apartment by an unknown. Review: Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett. Publishers Weekly: Okosun’s stunning debut puts a Nigerian spin on epic fantasy tropes to create an addictive tale of political intrigue, love, loss, betrayal, and magic. I represent adult and YA science fiction, fantasy, and horror, with an emphasis on high-impact stories that have something powerful to say. When 16-year-old Kayla’s friend introduces her to NEED, a new social networking site that’s giving teens exactly what they say they need in exchange for them completing a task, Kayla is quick to participate. wracked by climate change. While all along, I’ve become a wife and a mom. Young Adult Interests: I am particularly interested in YA Contemporary that has main characters that aren’t your typical good students with black and white morals. Feb 09 2023 . B. Dec 07 2021 . Paper Doll Lina by Robyn Lucas. Suspense fans will be satisfied. He learned a lethal catechism, lost his shadow, and gained a habit for secrecy. Website: Twitter: @pstevens1824 AALA Member: No. Kirkus: “Don’t forget, it was their choice to get involved in this war”: Fantasian Bennett builds another world, convincingly, in which empires rise and fall and blood flows. Publishers Weekly: The secrets that slowly emerge about Tessa, the Cookes, and the two elderly caretakers now tending Fallbrook will keep readers turning the pages. Narrator Jewel and the other courtesans of the House of Bicchieri, an elite brothel, are holding a secret wake for one. Home; News; Agents. Cameron McClure joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2004. Review: Meru by S. If you want to get a literary agent with the Donald Maass Agency, use the List of Literary Agents in our Directory of Literary Agents ™ to find out which agent. Peppered with plot twists that will keep readers on their toes. Nine-year-old Dèmi was born during a time of transition, when the queen of Ifé was replaced by a king who fears and. In Last Plane to Heaven, Lake has assembled thirty-two of the best of them. Long before he was a novelist, SF writer Jay Lake, was an acclaimed writer of short stories. Full Requested: 7/23/22 with blessing to revise before submitting. Booklist: McCammon masterfully combines historical thriller and supernatural horror in a compelling and suspenseful tale of race, class, and family. 99 on Kindle and ranked at #25,065. Locus 2022 Recommended Reading List. Donald Maass Literary Agency. com Mailing address: Donald Maass…Caitlin McDonald is an agent at Donald Maass Literary Agency, where she represents adult and young adult fantasy and science fiction as well as select nonfiction titles. After a blood-soaked childhood, Fetter escaped his rural hometown for the big city, and fell into a broader world where divine destinies are a dime a dozen. Donald Maass Literary Agency. Full Emailed: 1/3/23. Cameron McClure - Donald Maass Literary Agency - Query Form. One stormy night in 1979, Etain comes across a faceless corpse on the road; days later, she’s found half dead near a burnt-out. New York Times: THE SPACE BETWEEN WORLDS is Micaiah Johnson’s debut, but that word is utterly insufficient for the blazing, relentless power of this book, suggesting ballroom manners where it should conjure comet tails. Donald Maass at Writer Unboxed; Contact; Review: The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka. Library Journal: Constance Corson, the new subrosa, or master vampire, of present-day Cincinnati, has finally arrived, and she’s ready to take out protagonist Rachel Morgan. by Michael Neff. Author of: The Career Novelist (1996) Writing the Breakout Novel (2001) Writing the Breakout Novel. The President of Donald Mass Literary Agency is Donald Mass who founded the agency in 1980. It is, in fact, fundamentally engaged in wrestling with questions of ethics, culture, worldview, and how much restitution needs to be made when one does harm in order to. Review: Stormland by John Shirley. Fans of inven…Michael Curry joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2012, where he started as the assistant to Jennifer Jackson. I haven’t had this experience reading, really, ever. Here’s the first. Home; News; Agents. Though we do our best,. Review: Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells. EASTERN EUROPE (Includes Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania) Ana Milenkovic, Milena Kaplarevic Prava i Prevodi [email protected] retired General Mulaghesh is forced back into the. g. The Impersonation Game A scammer posing as Jennifer Jackson of the Donald Maass Literary Agency attempts to cheat an unsuspecting writer out of $1,400 (which of course the real Jennifer. 11/06/2022 06:25 PM. the have-nots. Publishers Weekly: Polk follows her gaslamp fantasy. A perfect fit for fans of Stephen King and modern true crime classics like Michelle McNamara’s I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, Come With Me both awes and terrifies from beginning to end. Donald Maass Literary Agency. Donald Maass Literary Agency. Jun 26 2020 . Literary Agent at DMLA, writer, foodie, theatre nerd. The resident spirits aren’t particularly reticent either, readily manifesting not only to 17-year-old Denise and her newlywed mother and stepfather, but to visiting neighbors as well—as a whiff of perfume, creeping shadows, a. Home; News; Agents. Mar 15 2023 . Publishers Weekly: World Fantasy Award winner Polk (The Midnight Bargain) does what they do best with this genre-bending fantasy noir novella that brings lofty magic to a grimy 1940s city and showcases queer love along the way. Donald Maass Literary Agency. Looking for adult and YA genre fiction, particularly science-fiction and fantasy with. They also list the authors they represent on the. Always verify agent's information before sending your query, and review the agent's website(s) for more up-to-date information. Donald Maass founded the Donald Maass Literary Agency in. Instead, she is underemployed as a mediocre magical calligrapher at the fairy temp agency. Katie is committed to helping her clients achieve their long-term career goals and loves to collaborate with them on editorial and early. . Donald Maass’s pioneering work and writing about the development of fiction careers has made DMLA a leading agency for fiction writers. Review: Before We Disappear by Shaun David Hutchinson Sep 16 2021 Booklist : Hutchinson’s engaging historical fantasy suffers from the occasional implausibility and loose end, but its strength lies in the captivating relationship between Jack and Wil. Review: Missing at 17 by Christine Conradt. Before contacting an agent, authors should verify and assess the agent's requirements and suitability by visiting the agent's website (s), and becoming familiar. Locus: Rachel Morgan’s back in the Hollows for her 14th novel in the series, set before the happily-ever-after epilogue in the previous volume. Thank you for sharing your project with me. Mar 29 2023 . Aggy_C. Booklist: Mohamed (Beneath the Rising, 2020) offers a new novella with stunning artwork by illustrator Carly A-F. Home; News; Agents. Established in 1980, the Donald Maass Agency accepts query letters from authors of fiction and nonfiction books. Review: Network Effect by Martha Wells. If you want to get a literary agent with the Donald Maass Agency, use the List of Literary Agents in our Directory of Literary Agents ™ to find out which agent is the. Sometime in the future, in the aftermath of WWIII, societies enforce peace through rigidly controlled racial hierarchies. Welcome. Donald Maass Literary Agency. Review: Ellie is Cool Now by Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren. Review: The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson Sep 03 2020 School Library Journal: In the alternating viewpoints of cool Dre and uptight Dean, Hutchinson takes us into a relationship with more complications than most. com Twitter: @literallycait. Not only does suave antihero Vic Fowler analyze the mix of odors emanating from every person and place he encounters; Donnelly’s introductory list of characters describes them in terms of their. Library Journal: In her first novel, Hall surprises and perplexes with spellbinding yet simple dialogs that raise more questions than they give answers. Anne Tibbets joined DMLA in 2021. No matter how much we’ve grown, we hold true to these values: that advocacy is the heart of every partnership, and storytelling is a. Publisher: Tor Books (September 2014) The final and definitive short story collection by the award-winning author of Green, Endurance, and Kalimpura. Donald Maass at Writer Unboxed; Contact; Review: When Franny Stands Up by Eden Robins. The story takes place over a 24-hour. Christopher has a solid talent at crafting entertaining description. Donald Maass’s pioneering function and writing about to developmental of fiction careers has. Publishers Weekly: Ex-con Roy Alison would like to go straight, but he can’t seem to make up for past mistakes, and his only options are just more bad choices. Newly minted Assistant Literary Agent at Donald Maass Literary Agency. Book Agent Anne Tibbets is a literary agent with the Donald Maass Literary Agency. Congratulations to all our authors included in the Locus 2022 Recommended Reading List! The Keeper, Tananarive Due & Steven Barnes, art by Marco Finnegan (Megascope) “Incident at Bear Creek Lodge”, Tananarive Due (Other Terrors) “12 Things a Trini Should Know Before Travelling to a. Home; News; Agents. New York Times: Like a feature film following a television series, “Network Effect” faces the challenge of presenting a longer-than-usual episode for existing fans while standing on its own as an intelligible entry point for new readers. Kirkus: The second novel set in Bear’s sprawling White Space universe – after Ancestral Night (2018) – is an intricately plotted fusion of science-fiction adventure and conspiratorial mystery that revolves around a space station that begins to experience critical mishaps after a rescue mission returns with humans who have been in cryogenic. Mix in murder, a lust for revenge, living dead girls, and rituals in an abandoned church to create a unique, lyrical. In addition to representing publishing rights, the agency works with established networks of co-agents to represent audio rights, translation rights, film, television, and other subsidiary rights. Tagged with: katie shea boutillier, reviews 2018 Nebula Awards FinalistsLibrary Journal: This eloquent memoir will be appreciated by anyone interested in cold case investigations and victim advocacy as well as true crime fans. Jackson is closed to queries except for referrals from clients and colleagues. 1000 Dean Street, Suite 331 Brooklyn, NY 11238 USA Contact Information 1000 Dean St Ste 252 Brooklyn, NY 11238-3383 (212) 727-8383 Read Reviews Be the First to Review! Customer Complaints This business has 0 complaints File a Complaint. Starred Review: Knock, Knock Open Wide by Neil Sharpson. Kirkus: Divya has created a richly imagined and eerily familiar world…confronting urgent questions about humans’ place in a society increasingly run by [email protected]. AudioFile: Author Jim Butcher made the right choice in performing his latest work himself. Include: a query letter (be sure it includes both genre and word count) In the past two days, I have received emails from writers that there may be Trojans and virii on the Donald Maass web site. Literary Agent Rights Director & Lit Agent w/ Donald Maass Literary Agency, specializing in commercial adult fiction & young adult. Det. Ten years earlier, warlock and private investigator Elena Brandt made a deal with the devil, bargaining away her soul to. This delectable treat is a worthy follow-up to her debut. Please allow several weeks for query reply, more if a partial or full manuscript is requested. Tagged with: cameron mcclure, reviews Deal: Suzan Palumbo 2022 Locus Awards Top Ten FinalistsLibrary Journal: An engaging debut featuring intense feelings and situations, with plenty of heat. Needs: Novels. Czech rights to Brent Weeks’s THE BLOOD MIRROR, Book 4 in the Lightbrigher series, to Fantom Print, by Nada Cipranic at Prava I Prevodi in association. Starred Review: The Free Bastards by Jonathan French Review: Star Eater by Kerstin Halli09: Newman does a fantastic job…incredibly well-realized world-building, showing a realistic (semi) post-scarcity society on another world…Newman has a real gift for depicting people’s capacity for naivete and viciousness, and how the two things often go together. B&N SF&F: The mystery consumed me. Booklist : Divya’s latest (after Machinehood, 2021) is full of twists and turns to keep readers glued to the pages, with rich worldbuilding that will truly invest them in the character’s fates. King George’s episodic sanity is almost as damaging as his madness. 1000 Dean Street, Suite 252. Although I found him to be very skillful on the editorial/MS prep side of things, he never sold anything I sent him. L. Emily Wibberly & Austin Siegemund-Broka. Review: Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger. Brooklyn, NY 11238 . Donald Maass, President;. She represents adult and young adult commercial genre, primarily thrillers, mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, horror, and historical women’s fiction. The Donald Maass Literary Agency is located in Brooklyn, NY. As an agent, she believes in a hands-on approach with a focus on career planning and editorial support. A New “Beware”: Scammers Impersonating Reputable Literary Agents It’s not just Jennifer Jackson. Review: American Demon by Kim Harrison. Last week marked my 4-year-anniversary with the Donald Maass Literary Agency . I’ve. with a little more room to breathe, Wells draws out all of those elements in a way that extends the enjoyable. The Donald Maass Literary Agency in New York City is a literary agency for professional novelists, representing more than 100 authors and selling more than 150 novels every year to major publishers in the U. Tor. Jennifer Jackson is Executive Vice President at the Donald Maass Literary Agency, and a member of the Association of American Literary Agents. Her husband, David, is a well-to-do investment banker. May 10 2019 . Please send me all the gay using my query link right here 👇🏼. 99k ya fantasy. Review: Cardinal Black by Robert McCammon. Britain, 1801. First, I’ve become the agency’s Rights Director, closing over 70 deals to-date. As a queer woman who came to publishing from a lifetime in fandom, my list reflects my personal. A shimmering. All have two or more of the following abusive practices: 1. Alice Dartle is a powerful but untrained medium who has left Virginia in hopes of education in Cassadaga. As Bear makes clear in her acknowledgements, this novel, set in her ‘White Space’ universe, owes a debt to the Irish author James White’s classic Sector General stories, which were a breath of fresh air in. Series fans will find this entry a thoroughly enjoyable extension of. 99), the third volume of the Split Worlds trilogy, our reality is mirrored by a magical realm called the Nether, where decadence and luxury are a thin veneer over a corrupt and iniquitous society. When I turned the crank, a tinkling rhythm would play and I knew the lyrics:Lynn Slaughter. Malfi sticks the landing with a powerful denouement. When a bomb goes off at the Khedivial Opera House celebrating the opening of the new Suez Canal, visiting Assassin Pierrette Arnaud investigates, only to uncover a plot to eradicate free will…. Amazon.